Tuesday 19 March 2013

The Power of Green

                                                                                       “The Power of Green

The very first thought that one gets on listening to green are the lush green trees. These trees are the children of Mother Nature, gifted to us so that we can lead a happy life. Through this shoot we are trying to communicate that how nature can hear, feel and see; but never speak. We want to show people how the nature will feel if it was a person. It can feel all the emotions that we feel for our children but is never able to express. It is us who should understand her conditions.   
The poses we chose are not subtle, because everything in nature is wild at heart. We chose poses to show nature who is protective , happy and in agony after seeing the bad conditions of her children; with a little symmetry. We have accentuated eyes through makeup as they are the most expressive feature and kept the lips nude as nature does not speak. And the hairdo is symbolic to a nest in which a little bird grows. For us the earth is the nest, we the little birds and nature is the power that nurtures us.
In the make-up we have accentuated the eyes as they are the medium through which the nature sees and fulfifills all the needs of the creatures, whereas the lips are nude as nature does not speak. This hair do symbolizes a nest, this nest is the earth and we are the little birds who are nurtured and bought up by the nature. The ads which we have made plays around the emotions of nature, the tagline says, ™Nature's agony is unexpressed, but not unseen∫, with a byline saying ,∫help Mother Nature to save her children∫. The rest two ads have similar tagline and byline with the emotions being replaced by happiness and fear.
The ad related to happiness shows that how happy Mother Nature is on giving birth to a new life i.e. the plant. It says that we should try planting more trees, instead of just cutting them down. The second ad shows the fear of Mother Nature when we cut down the trees and she is unable to protect them. And the third ad portrays the agony which she goes through when she watches her children being cut and exploited. She is trying to break through her silence, but when she does this disasters are bound to happen.
So we should do our bit for the Mother Nature and help her protect her own children which could be done by adopting methods like reducing power consumption, reducing use of paper in the offifices, depending more on new eco-friendly technologies, eco drives and community help.

 PHOTOGRAPHY: Indrajeet Roy & Pallavi Negi
                                                                                     MODEL: Vanshika Saigal

Sunday 17 March 2013

Advertisements out of Indoor shoot # 2 ( BLACK OR WHITE ? )

Indoor shoot # 2 ( BLACK OR WHITE ? )


Of black and white and old school geometry.
This shoot is inspired from the conventions of black and white merged with
high fashion poses and old school geometry.

Photo by Anjali Mehta, Anmol Loonia, & Indrajeet Roy
Styling and Makeup – Anjali Mehta & Anmol Loonia
Model – Yukti Gupta

Advertisements out of Indoor shoot # 1 ( IN A MANS WORLD )

Indoor shoot # 1 ( IN A MANS WORLD )


It’s a man world. Skewed sex ratios at jobs, offices,schools, industries.
But but but we’re giving them a run for their money like everywhere.
It easy become a man, difficult to be a woman.

Photo by Anjali Mehta, Anmol Loonia & Indrajeet Roy
Styling and Makeup – Anjali Mehta & Anmol Loonia
Model – Osheen Siva

Advertisements out of Outdoor shoot # 2 ( GRAVEYARD SONG )

Outdoor shoot # 2 ( GRAVEYARD SONG )


A woman is a heapful of emotions of dreams and stories unexpressed.
A poem embedded in time. A song unsung.
She’s a graveyard song.
She has a lot to say.

Photo by Anjali Mehta, Anmol Loonia & Indrajeet Roy
Styling and Makeup – Anjali Mehta & Anmol Loonia
Model – Ritu Arya

Advertisements out of Outdoor shoot #1 ( A Princess story )

Outdoor shoot #1 ( A Princess story )


She’s put on her best gown.
Her best shoes and dress and the season makes her feel like a princess.
She’s waiting for him to come and take her away. Take her away to a land far away.

Photo by Anjali Mehta, Anmol Loonia & Indrajeet Roy
Styling and Makeup – Anjali Mehta &Anmol Loonia
Model – Vanshika Saigal
Garment by Dhiraj Kumar

My Graphic box

This Graphic box is a part of my Graphic Design submission and this box is dedicated to my Graphic Design faculty Mr. CM Sanjeev. This box has the four faces which indicates  how i complete my Graphic design work.....

First face : Bhuk Lagi, I always prefer food before any work and may be at first level I try to ignore the work.

Second face : Internet mata ki jai, Primary secondary or whatever be the research I always prefer internet.

Third face : Approve kar do sir, I run for the approval of whatever i have created and the good thing about the sir is he always approves it and thank god all the works are done

Fourth and last face : Its party time.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Rebranding of LIC and a News paper advertisement

Its a part of our Branding exercise, we had to redesign a logo of a brand and a newsparer advertisement.


Life Insurance Corporation India has an established brand identity. It was very tough to replace their visual identity and create a new one.
Firstly, the shape of the logo has been completely changed. The  redesigned logo consists of top view of  two persons holding their hands, the edges of the hands are very thin this indicates that LIC will ensure you till the extreme points. It emphasise on technology and emotions simultaneously because LIC is not just about insuaring  people, it has innumerable options of services like insuaring  future, belongings etc.
The Blue person represents the three attributes of an Indian : Passion, Patience and Perseverance which when combined together leads towards the road of Progress, both for him and the country. Hence, the person is strong  enough to protect future and lead to future progress.
The Yellow person has been composed with the blue person in such a way that it appears like a circle is formed, while they are holding the hands. It shows progress of India and its citizens (both of them together) bringing more smiles to people  by taking care of present, past and future.


“Life has its own special moments”

Life has a very different graph and it depends upon the person  how he or she is reacting on it. I have just captured a moment where a husband is moving in with his wife and he is just putting his wife’s name before  his name in the door. It may not be a very big thing but for the wife  who is watching it, will be the happiest person in the world.

Hence, in this way LIC tries to preserve  you and your future.